Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ms Henry: A tale of a Chair & Paper Shredder

Update:  Thank you, parent who brought Ms Henry a paper shredder. She is so thrilled and grateful.

We still need a chair!

Ms Henry the LACES College Counselor has two small wishes.   She really needs a chair.   Of course she has a chair, but it is the most uncomfortable chair in the world.   Ms Henry said it does not have to be new or fancy chair, she just would be grateful for a chair that is comfortable. 
As you know we don’t have a lot of extra chairs at LACES (we still need chairs for the parent center) so she doesn’t have much opportunity to swap out.

Ms Henry is in her chair a lot talking to colleges and universities on behalf of our students.     

Do you have a gently used comfortable office chair you are no longer using?   Or perhaps there are a couple of you who want to go in on a chair?   Email me and I will help coordinate.

Ms Henry’s other need is a commercial grade paper shredder.  Every time Ms Henry  prints out a student's grades and and goes over it with the student she then must shred it to protect their privacy.   There is a general shredder that serves the whole school but she shreds so much she would benefit by one that is in the College Center.

She needs one that is a little bit more industrial than home shredders but it does not have to be uber fancy .  Something like the Ativa Pro.    There is one on ebay for about $80.    Or maybe Craigslist?    


  1. Does Ms. Henry already have a paper shredder? It seems that she really needs it at work. If there are documents that she needs to discard, she can do it right away and without any delay. Well, she can definitely find one that fits her needs and budget.

    Ruby Badcoe @ Williams Data Management

  2. Yes, she received a shredder the week we posted the wish need.
    thank you.
